Level 1
1 / 3 Alignments
2 days until the next level. Each level requires x amount of Guild Alignments reached.
I am a cheerful and funny girl, I like to enjoy life to the fullest. I love God, nature, family. I like to work at Hive and Dreemport.
My Blog
https://peakd.com/@carolinacardoza/postsMy blog is based on my love for crafts, good food and everyday life. I love to travel and take lots of pictures to post on my blog.
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Dreem Frames
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Dreem Cards are earned for your participation in daily curation and through special events.
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Que todos los niños del mundo vean una y otra vez "Mohana" 🏝 May all the children of the world watch "Mohana" over and over again.
Author: Carolinacardoza
☕️ Beyond happiness. Happy 87th, Mom 4 Comments / 10+ views
Author: Carolinacardoza
Tejiendo un cuento de hadas en Hive. 👠🌼Weaving a fairy tale in Hive.
Author: Carolinacardoza
Aprende, comparte, transforma y conecta.💗💗 Aprende, comparte, transforma y conecta.
Author: Carolinacardoza
¡Ponle sabor y AMOR a la vida! 🍆🍆Add flavor and LOVE to life!
Author: Carolinacardoza